Friday, February 6, 2015

A Post, WOW!

It has been a good bit since I've made a post on here.  Just staying really busy and when I could post here, I decide to play a game or watch a movie instead.  Can't blame me for that.

I keep picking up all the free arcade games that show up each month but I haven't gotten around to playing any of them except for 2.  Halo Spartan Assault and Limbo, which I've finished both of them.

I did finish off LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. 

Oh yea, I bought the Monopoly family back and finished Monopoly.  I did not however play and beat that other mode yet.  Guess I should do that. 

I have played a little on Pinball FX 2. 

I finished off Minecraft on both the Xbox 360 and the Xbox One.  Now my daughter is hooked on Terreria so I've started playing that.  Been exploring my 1 world and I'm almost to the point of starting hard mode on that game.  Wish more of my friends played this game.  It would probably go a lot quicker on finishing off the achievements. 

I have played Titanfall some but I haven't touched it since Christmas time.  Made it half way through the game on achievements.  That's at least something I guess.

I bought LEGO Movie Videogame during Christmas along with Zombie Driver but haven't played either one yet.

What I did buy was Dying Light.  It's just like Dead Island, so if you enjoyed that game, you'll enjoy this.  Looks better by a long shot.  I'm still early on in the game but I did get to play with Ichya last weekend which made the game way funnier than going it alone.

Away from games, my laptop and printer died on me.  So ended up buying new ones of those.

Kids are always swamped with something going on, so busy with them a lot more as well.

So there's an update for everyone on stuff I'm at.  Let me know if you get Dying Light.  Would love to play online with someone versus running it alone.

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