Looks like some fun is heading our way
"Turn 10 Studios' first wave of tweaks to the controversial in-game economy of Xbox One launch game F" http://feedly.com/k/IUpiL1
Looks like some fun is heading our way
"Turn 10 Studios' first wave of tweaks to the controversial in-game economy of Xbox One launch game F" http://feedly.com/k/IUpiL1
I was using Winamp when it first came out. This week be a sad day next month.
"Winamp, Our Favorite Media Player for Windows, Is Shutting Down" http://feedly.com/k/HZSKz2
This would have never ever crossed my mind. I wonder if Microsoft really put that much detail into choosing the start up and shut down noise.
When You Start Up The Xbox One, It Plays A Pretty Song" http://feedly.com/k/I4aZUp
This is pretty cool. Be sure to watch the 2nd shot.
Dude Shoots PS4 With A High-Powered Rifle" http://feedly.com/k/1a95cY2
This is pretty impressive.
"It Took One Year to Make This Criminally Insane LEGO Arkham Asylum" http://feedly.com/k/1glo7Tx
Well that just sucks. I was looking to get this game later on but the lower resolution is kinda deterring me from it. How can you not have 1080p on a game in this day and age?
"Confirmed: Call of Duty Ghosts at Lower Resolution on Xbox One" http://feedly.com/k/16LnDTu
This was a good article and have me some good points on things to do.
"How to Stay Calm and Not Yell at Your Kids (Even If You're Really Mad)" http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/vip/~3/p9O4rpAGYng/how-to-stay-calm-and-not-yell-at-your-kids-even-if-you-1452033657
I saw this a month ago and am happy to see it has come out.
"Microsoft Releases Remote Desktop for Android and iOS" http://feedly.com/k/H0kun7
Some really good tips to help your battery last longer.
"11 Tips to Keep iOS 7 From Destroying Your Battery Life" http://feedly.com/k/16zkO85
It's about time the did this. I dropped it long ago because I was limited on where I could play it at.
"Watch Out Spotify: Xbox Music Is Finally Coming To iOS & Android" http://feedly.com/k/15Lj6jA
Instead of reading all the privacy laws on what you want, just get an app to help you do it.
"AVG PrivacyFix Audits Your Facebook and Google Accounts for Privacy" http://feedly.com/k/19lj7YC
I can only hope this article becomes true.
"The Xbox One Might Be Out On November 8" http://feedly.com/k/16MGudl
This is what I've been waiting to see.
"Here Are the Xbox One's Launch Games" http://feedly.com/k/1anmQZA
Dull not close but at least the finally put a date on it.
"Windows 8.1 to Be Released on October 17th as a Free Update" http://feedly.com/k/1cBxcqd
Looks like Aug 27 is the cutoff date. At least everyone affected will get 3 free months.
"Xbox Live Family Subscriptions Convert to Individual Accounts Aug. 27" http://feedly.com/k/15qNY1I
"Microsoft slashes Surface Pro price for the month of August, 64GB model down to $799" http://feedly.com/k/12SGZUK
I so wish I could afford to buy one of these.
Click here to view this photo book larger
It's up free today. Grab it before the month ends.
Now this is a good idea. I wonder why I haven't seen someone already do this.
"Leef's Bridge USB flash drive lets you share files between your smartphone and computer" http://www.engadget.com/2013/06/27/leef-bridge-android-pc-mac-usb/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=Feed_Classic&utm_campaign=Engadget
Well that's a bummer but that means they are putting everything into how much better the Kinect is. As long as my current wireless headset from them will still work, I'll be happy.
"Xbox One: chat headset not included" http://feedly.com/k/135hIWv
I didn't even know they were working on this. This will be cool to see what all they bring out.
"Behold the First Images of the Official Lego Back to the Future Set!" http://feedly.com/k/19sVfGh
Simple stuff like this are good things to know.
"Top 10 Awesome MacGyver Tricks That Speak For Themselves" http://feedly.com/k/105Th3J
I'm sure a few people will get this. I know my wife will want it.
"Animal Crossing-flavored Nintendo 3DS XL bundle costs $220, arrives this June" http://feedly.com/k/15mxRrs
This makes me want to watch the anime as I've never watched it.
"The Revealing World of One Piece Cosplay" http://feedly.com/k/XQPcq3
I've never seen anyone beat this snake game. To watch that gif and see it done is pretty cool.
"Here's How You Eat All the Pellets in Snake and 'Win' the Game" http://feedly.com/k/149ww7z
I never realized I could have my own. Plus you are able to do more with it being on your own site.
"How to Set Up Your Own Private Cloud Storage Service in Five Minutes with OwnCloud" http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/vip/~3/zaZQJ3JQ-jo/how-to-set-up-your-own-private-cloud-storage-service-in-five-minutes-with-owncloud
This is very impressive. I wish I had the money and time to build something like this.
"Mike Doyle builds massive city of Odan from 200,000 Lego bricks [Interview] | The Brothers Brick | LEGO Blog" http://feedly.com/k/XbQ3iv
It has been awhile since a Dragonball Z movie has come out. Seventeen years according to the article.
The article has some major spoilers in it but even after reading it, I want to watch it even more.
I hope someone dubs it in English so I'm able to watch it and understand what's going on. Especially since no international release is intended right now.
The New Dragon Ball Z Movie Isn't Deep or Profound, but it is a Ton of Fun [feedly]
I think this is going to make for a good MMO.
This looks interesting. I'll have to check this out when it comes out.
The Battle for Steam-Powered Tower Defense Supremacy Begins on Facebook
I just checked and it's not there yet so ill keep checking. I wonder how many days till it shows up that I can get it.
Verizon green-lights HTC Thunderbolt's Ice Cream Sandwich update
I haven't seen Wreck-It Ralph yet but this was the short film Disney added at the beginning of the movie.
I love these short classics like this. Definitely worth a watch.
If Microsoft wouldn't have put out the Surface Pro with 128 gig HD then Apple would have never moved over a 64 gig HD. If you can do it, why not just put it out and quit holding onto technology. So thanks Microsoft for pushing the envelope and little.
This looks like it might be fun but I would have preferred better graphics from any new game coming out.
I was right, $1000 to get the 128 gig model. I so want this but it's not gonna happen anytime soon.
Microsoft Surface Pro on sale February 9th in the US and Canada, starts at $899
I'll so watch this just to see if they stick to the story some. Loved Zombieland!
Zombieland TV show in the works at Amazon, headed for Instant
Talk about mixing every thing into our enemy game. This looks like fun for all ages.
You'll Be Able to Play As Jack Sparrow, Woody, Or Any Other Disney Character In Disney Infinity
This is a pretty cool auction. This is a collectors dream to get something like this. I wonder what the ending bid will be added it starts at 5k.